Lion Nebula
The Lion Nebula is a relatively faint emission nebula located approximately 10,000 lightyears distant in the constellation Cepheus the King. As we often visualize objects when viewing cloud formations in our earthly sky, some see a lion in this celestial cloud with the head to the upper left and the body, legs, and tail extending to the right.
The Lion Nebula is a relatively faint emission nebula located approximately 10,000 lightyears distant in the constellation Cepheus the King. As we often visualize objects when viewing cloud formations in our earthly sky, some see a lion in this celestial cloud with the head to the upper left and the body, legs, and tail extending to the right.
The Lion Nebula is a relatively faint emission nebula located approximately 10,000 lightyears distant in the constellation Cepheus the King. As we often visualize objects when viewing cloud formations in our earthly sky, some see a lion in this celestial cloud with the head to the upper left and the body, legs, and tail extending to the right.